News EnglishProfessor Made 529 Calls to Accused, No Punishment in False CaseEditorMay 23, 2019May 28, 2019 by EditorMay 23, 2019May 28, 20190156 In the matter of Smt. Rachna Singh Vs State, the prosecutrix filed a case of Rape in Jan 2017 at DCP Dwarka Police, Delhi. She...
News EnglishAsianet CEO Abhinav Khare lost Two years in a Baseless allegation of #MeTooEditorMay 11, 2019May 28, 2019 by EditorMay 11, 2019May 28, 20190417 Sonam Mahajan a social media political commentator, accused Asianet Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of sexual harassment, last year. This was another case of #MeToo movement....
News EnglishClean Chit to CJI in Sexual Harassment, Activist Demanding Punishment for False Allegation over CJIEditorMay 7, 2019May 28, 2019 by EditorMay 7, 2019May 28, 2019070 The panel constituted to do enquiry of the allegations levelled on CJI of sexual harassment has given clean chit to CJI. Soon after the allegation...
News EnglishMan acquitted in Rape Case after a long fight of 22 Years, women was in habit to accuseEditorApril 20, 2019April 20, 2019 by EditorApril 20, 2019April 20, 20191263 Ganga Prasad Mahto finally got the justice from Supreme Court after a long legal battle of more than 22 years. The prosecutrix women lodged a...
News Hindiफर्जी रेप केस में लड़की को 3 साल की सजाEditorFebruary 3, 2019February 3, 2019 by EditorFebruary 3, 2019February 3, 20190154 यह मामला सोनीपत की है जब एक LLB की छात्रा ने सामूहिक रेप का केस लगाया था, और बाद में आरोपियों को पहचान नहीं पायी....
News EnglishPallavi Joshi : Due to #MeToo, women has become their own enemy and how a man will surviveEditorJanuary 25, 2019October 28, 2021 by EditorJanuary 25, 2019October 28, 20210423 #MeToo again in news, actress Pallavi Joshi said, most of the matters under #MeToo campaign are false except few and the false allegations put to...