News EnglishActivist supporting CJI Gogoi, demanded Men’s Rights Activist in ICC panelEditorApril 24, 2019April 24, 2019 by EditorApril 24, 2019April 24, 20190242 After the allegation of sexual harassment against CJI Gogoi, three member committee of Justice Bobe, Justice Indira Banerjee and Justice Ramana constituted to conduct an...
News EnglishKiran Bedi Son in law arrested in kidnapping of his own daughter, released laterEditorApril 18, 2019September 4, 2020 by EditorApril 18, 2019September 4, 202004527 Today evening around 7 pm, Pune police arrested the only son-in-law of Kiran Bedi in kidnapping of his own daughter. Some days back, Kiran Bedi...
News Hindiकिरन बेदी के दामाद को पुलिस उनके आवास से अपनी ही बेटी को अगवा करने के जुर्म में गिरफ्तार कर आधी रात को छोड़ाEditorApril 18, 2019October 18, 2021 by EditorApril 18, 2019October 18, 20210869 आज शाम लगभाग 7 बजे, किरन बेदी के एकलौते दामाद को उनके पुणे आवास से पुणे की पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया है. माना जा...