Woman thrashes her COVID positive husband, flouts corona protocols: Mumbai

Wife beats husband, representational image source - entertale

Shocking incident is from Mumbai, where a women badly assaulted her husband who was corona positive. As per the media report women along with six other women forcibly enters the bedroom and thrashed him.

The incident took place on May 30. Ansari, the victim husband, was quarantine in his room. During the day his wife forcibly entered into the house of the man along with six other women and thrashed him. At the same time she also broke the window, doors, bedrooms and took the children away from the father forcibly.

As per media report, victim has been identified as Ashraf Ansari who was corona positive, and he was under treatment. Apart from this Ansari’s parents were also under treatment of the Corona virus in the same hospital.

Ansari’s wife flouts Corona protocols

Even after being aware about the situation of her husband that he was COVID positive, his wife assaulted him without caring about the cons of corona virus.

‘However, Ansari’s (husband of the women) neighbour witnessed the whole incident but could not come forward to solve the situation. As the neighbours were not ready to violate the COVID 19 guidelines’, Said Mumbai media.

After this incident Ansari has also suffered some injuries on his head and arms.

The incident was captured by a neighbour in his phone, in which women can be seen assaulting her husband and taking the children away from father.

Police didn’t lodge complaint

Ansari, the victim has said that police refused to lodge the complaint. But after some days the police filed the complaint but didn’t mention proper details about the incident.

Ansari further added that police didn’t added the proper section of kidnapping and harassing instead just added the section for violence and trespassing. He had also submitted the video as an evidence, despite of this they didn’t book the complaint at first. which shows the negligence of the department.

After the incident, Ansari has no information about his children, where and how they are.


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