Granddaughter accuses Kiran Bedi for misuse of sources to separate her from father

Kiran Bedi Grand Daughter

Recently Kiran Bedi’s grand daughter uploaded a video which has gone viral on Social Media. Children are ultimate sufferer in dispute and father becomes “Weekend Dad”

In the beginning of the video she told her name Mehr Bharucha also given her mother name Ruzbeh Bharucha. In the video she has also claimed as only granddaughter of Kiran Bedi.

In the video she was seen happy and safe with her father and she added:

“Nobody has hurt me or harassed me… Why you always making a mess… I just want to be with my daddy and live happily

In the video, she called Kiran Bedi as Kiran Nani. She shown concern about her father and asked to Bedi:

“Kiran nani, why are you using your police influence to harass daddy and his friends..”

She said in video that she is happy and she has not been kidnapped.

“Why you doing that, Nobody has kidnapped me, I am with my daddy”

In the video, she moved with camera open and running to another room, where his father was seen sitting on the bed. Where she said that, I am making video. The father also said, go to study. It shows that the father was not aware of the purpose.

She added that she is happy and safe with daddy :

“I am very happy and I am very safe”

She also talked about her wellbeing and her happiness.

Dr. Kiran Bedi and her only Granddaughter

In the video the girl claimed that grandmother Kiren Bedi did not responded her call, when her mother hitting, beating and throwing slippers on daddy. She further asked to Bedi that over call:

“You told me that this matter between mummy and daddy, I don’t want to involve in it”

Then she asked why are you getting involved now, why Bedi is influencing police now.

She also told in her video that she is not happy with the act of her mother and grandmother. She said that :

“Daddy and I do not want to live with you. We want to be away from you. I am really ashamed of being your daughter and also ashamed of being the only granddaughter of Dr. Kiran Bedi”

Child rights activists gave their reaction on this matter and said that, until India will not have “Shared Parenting and Joint Responsibility (SPJR)”, children lives will keep ignored, and influencer in society will keep ignoring child life.

Social activist Vickram Bisyar said that, in any family dispute the children are the ultimate sufferer. Parents generally take it as a battle of their ego rather thinking of the wellbeing of their children.

Activist and Advocate Roopenshu Pratap Singh added, the same has been in this matter that, Bedi using her sources against the father of the girl, but ultimately it is impacting the life of the child.

The activists said that, since 80’s in India, in most matters, the custody is given to mothers and fathers just become “Weekend Dad”.

The activist also shown concern of false cases on the father by mother.

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1 Comment

MP NEWS - MEN'S TIMELINE April 18, 2019 - 5:07 pm

[…] days back, Kiran Bedi granddaughter Meher, released a video over social media. In the video she said shown interest of living with his father and also said that she is happy […]

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