Denial to Meeting with Child will be Acrimonious : Supreme Court

Denial of Meeting Kid is wrong says SC

The bench of Justice Kurian Joseph and Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman gave relief to the father to meet the daughter.

The bench in the matter of Manol Anslem Rebeiro in year 2016 said that, denial to accessing daughter will be acrimonious.

“we find that whatever be the background of the case, it cannot be so acrimonious so as to deny the right of the father to see his daughter”

The bench heard the learned counsel of both the parties, and granted the meeting rights to the father and the grand parents on third Saturday every month between 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM.

The bench considering tension in the relationship between the parties, directed family court to allow meeting in court premise.

“the Family Court will see that the child is not taken outside the premises of the Family Court, but at the same time, the father alongwith the grand parents could get some time to interact with the child in the premises of the Family Court”

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