Asianet CEO Abhinav Khare lost Two years in a Baseless allegation of #MeToo

Representational Image Abhinav khare CEO Asianet

Sonam Mahajan a social media political commentator, accused Asianet Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of sexual harassment, last year. This was another case of #MeToo movement. Abhinav Khare now proved innocent in the police investigation.

The Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) , found Abhinav Khare guilty, which Khare challenged the constitution of committee in the court.

Khare refused all the allegation at ICC, but he alleged that ICC did not considered his argument. Till then Sonam Mahajan, files the complainant at police.

In the police investigation it was appeared as baseless. Police interviewed almost 15 employees who has worked with Sonam Mahajan.

During investigation, she did not cooperated with police. Even she failed to provide the evidence such as WhatsApp messages, recordings, which she said as proof.

Police after interviewing employees, no testinomy was in support of complaint. Police also said that in the interview, complainant’s bad performance and bad behavior also came out.

Police has now filed B report as they didn’t find any substance in her allegations. After the report, Sonam said it one-sided.

In the B report, it has also noted the demand of Rs 15 lakh by Sonam to end the work contract.

Khare said, “she robbed my two years of life. All that for some money.”

Khare also told about some old tweet he RTeed. He talked about his trauma, humiliation he faced.

Activist, said that “no one care for the mental trauma, agony, humiliation, distress a man faces during such false and fabricated rape cases”.

Activist also added that, “this is high time when law should made Gender Neutral and punishment in false cases should be ensured”.

Men’s Rights Activists added that, “such discrimination with men should be end, Constitution of India guarantee everyone life, which must be ensured”.

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